The Naughty Nymph

In a little corner of the big wide world, there’s a little lake called Roskere. It belongs to a group of lovely but naughty water nymphs. One day, a prince journeying from a far-off land, stopped at Roskere for a drink of water. A nymph named Chloe pulled him into the water. “Stay with me,” she said, “For I am bored and seek new playmates.” The prince refused to stay. So, the angry Chloe locked him up in an underwater cave. The next morning, Chloe was calmer and felt sorry for what she had done. She went to see him in his cave. Strangely, the prince had disappeared from the tightly shut and locked cave-room. Chloe hunted high and low for him. At last, she gave up. At that very moment, she heard a voice, “Chloe! You cannot force friendship!” Chloe knew that the Water Fairy had helped the prince. She never troubled any traveller again.

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