Hero, the Businessman

Once, Hero, the goblin, opened a shop. He was very bossy and often boasted, “I am such a good businessman that I know what everyone wants even before he asks for it!” One day, four friends, a unicorn, a little fairy, a dwarf and an angel–entered Hero’s shop. Hero, at once, picked a book up, a scarf, a pair of spectacles and a bell. Then, he took them to the four friends and said, “I know the fairy needs a scarf. The unicorn needs a bell. The dwarf needs spectacles and the angel, of course, needs the book–The Bible.” The four friends laughed at Hero’s overconfidence. Then, the unicorn said, “You should not judge people before you know them! The fairy wanted the book on potions, the dwarf wanted a woollen scarf, the angel wanted a bell to hang outside his door, and I needed spectacles!” Hero was very embarrassed and was never bossy or boastful again!

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