One night, a naughty elf visited Abraham town. Everyone was fast sleep. The elf saw the name-plate of each place and thought of a naughty idea. He moved the name-plates from their original doors to others. Thus, when people came out the next day to visit places, they landed up at the wrong places because of the wrongly placed name-plates. Those who wanted to visit the grocer reached the hospital. Those who wanted to go to school reached the police station! The people became angry and confused. The Guardians of the town told them that a mischievous elf had entered town. The people put each name-plate back on the right building. Also, from that night onwards, they set guards to walk around the town and catch the elf. However, the naughty elf was never caught. Rather, he still visits the town on a new‑moon night, makes guards sleep, magically, and changes name-plates!
The Naughty Elf