Ronnie’s Wish


Ronnie always wanted to see how things looked from high above. He often said to his dad, “I wish I could have a bird’s eye view of the city.” That year, a ‘Hot-Air Balloon Festival’ was organised in his city. Ronnie’s dad thought, ‘It’s a great opportunity to fulfil Ronnie’s wish.’ So, the next day Ronnie and his dad went to attend the ‘Hot-Air Balloon Festival’. They were amazed to see several hot-air balloons in different colours and designs floating in the air. Then, Ronnie’s dad surprised him with a hot-air balloon ride! He jumped into a bright yellow and red balloon along with his father. As the balloon lifted higher, Ronnie could see the beautiful mountains, trees and sea below. He stretched his hands out and felt as if he was flying like a bird. When the ride was over, Ronnie hugged his dad and said, “Dad, thanks for making my wish come true!”

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