Trisha Goes Globe-trotting

Trisha was adventurous. She loved to read books on adventure. She looked in wonder at the many books in her grandfather’s bookshelf. There were fat and thin books, books on sailors and their adventures on sea, books on the deep jungles in Africa, about kings and queens, fairies and witches. She had read nearly all of these books. Now she was looking for a new book to read. Trisha chose a book on the kingdoms of Asia and began to read about the great kings and the many wars fought there. Trisha was so fascinated that every day she would pick a book up on different continents to read about them. After reading them, she was motivated to visit those places. After her vacation when Trisha went back to school, her teacher asked her how she spent her holidays. “I went on a trip around the world,” said Trisha enthusiastically.

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