The Shaking Scale

One day, a zebra found a bathroom scale. He was quite amused to see it. He asked his friend, the parrot, about it. The parrot knew about the bathroom scale. He explained the working of the scale to the zebra. Immediately, the zebra stood on the weighing scale to weigh himself. It became a fun activity for him. But soon the zebra became very obsessed about his weight. He started getting annoyed with the scale when he noticed that the scale showed increased reading for his weight. He would then start kicking the scale. The scale got irritated. Next morning, the zebra came to weigh himself again. However, as soon as the zebra stepped onto the scale, it began shaking and the zebra fell down. Every time the zebra got on to the scale, it would shake him off! And the zebra would fall off and hurt himself. Soon, he decided not to kick the scale and got over his obsession about his weight, too.

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