The Pigeon’s Hospitality

In a jungle, there lived a pair of pigeons in an acacia tree. One evening, Mrs. Pigeon came back early from work. She was waiting for Mr. Pigeon. Suddenly, it started raining and she happened to see a bird- catcher coming her way. Mrs. Pigeon saw Mr. Pigeon trapped in the hunter’s cage. “Oh no, what shall I do now,” she said. Soon, it stopped raining. The clothes of the bird-catcher had got wet. He decided to sit under the same tree where the two pigeons lived. Mr. Pigeon looked at his wife and said, “This man is shivering. We should help him.” Hearing this, Mrs. Pigeon flew around getting dry twigs. She arranged a few stones for the bird-catcher and made chirping sounds so that the bird-catcher might notice the twigs and light a fire for himself. The bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble pigeon couple. He opened the cage and set Mr. Pigeon free.

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