Musab Bin Al-Zubair and his wife, Ayishah

They say when Musab bin Al-Zubair met Al-Medinah Izzah, the shrewdest of women; he told her about his willingness to marry the daughter of Talhah, Ayishah and wanted her to spy on Ayishah, to know her better.

Doing so, Al-Medinah returned and informed him that Ayishah was fairer than health, with big eyes, a smooth nose, oval-shaped cheeks, mouth like a cleft pomegranate, slim waist and a slender stomach with a casket of ivory on her navel, but large feet.

Based on this report, Musab married her. One day Al-Medinah invited Ayishah and the women of the Quraish tribe to her house, when Ayishah happily sang two couplets with Musab standing beside her. That night, they both made love to each other with great intensity and her devotion to her husband.

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