Al-Fath Bin Khakan and Ca­liph Al-Mutawakkil

Al-Mutawakkil was sent by Al-Fath bin Khakan several gifts; some very rare precious stones, gold and some medicines.

Among these things was also a beautiful slave-girl who had with her a precious vase of crystals containing red wine, goblets of gold and a crystal vase of ruddy wine, upon which a poem inscribed in gold.

It meant, the Imam came forth from medicines and, therefore, he is full of vitality and good health, the best thing to heal a person is the wonderful wine inside the vase, which is the best prescription after medicine. The girl sent by Al-Fath bin Khakan entered along with the vase.

At that time, physician Yohanna was with the Caliph. Yohanna read the inscription on the vase and was happy about what was written there. He said that Al-Fath is a better healer than he and advised the Caliph to follow those instructions given on the inscriptions of the vase. Accordingly, the Caliph followed the prescription, and led a healthy and full life thereafter.

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