Ballpoint Pen

The patent for a ballpoint pen was given on 30 October, 1888 to John Loud, who was a leather tanner. He was attempting towards making a replacement to fountain pens that couldn’t write on leather, which was then an essential. Initially in the 20th century, many patents were filed for registering a ballpoint pen but the same wasn’t possible due to lack of commercial viability. Even Loud’s pen was not commercially usable.  Then, in 1930s, brothers George Biro and Laszlo Biro started experimenting with pen that did not require to be refilled or smudge the paper. Laszlo Biro was annoyed by the time that was wasted in filling ink in fountain pens as well as in cleaning up smudged papers. They were given patent for their ballpoint pen’s design, which was universally accepted in the year 1938. This pen was commercialised by a newly formed Argentinian company named Eterpen Company.

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