Though the first ever elevator was created in the year 1793, the history of it dates back to as early as 236 BC, where there was a reference of a structure like elevator in the Roman empire. The invention of the screw driver was what led to the invention of the first kind of modern-day elevators being used in Moscow, Russia. Its similar kind was created in London in the year 1823. Hydraulic systems were much in use to move elevators by the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1850, Henry Waterman created the first ever elevator with ‘Standing Rope Control’. Since then, there have been many developments to the design of this convenient equipment, mostly to increase its safety, efficiency and capacity. The design has stayed more or less similar to the one made in 1850, but all these newer factors have given it an all-new look. Today, due to varied needs, there are several kinds of elevators being used in different industries that carry not only people, but also much heavier machines and other items, which are otherwise immovable.