The use of multivitamin has been known to be around for more than a 100 years. It is credited to Dr. Carl Rehnborg for inventing the first multi-vitamin that was sold in the United States in the year 1930. He founded the company called Nutrilite that’s known for the formulation of the first multi-minerals and multivitamins in the year 1934. He was in China for a period of 10 years between 1917 and 1927 when he found the importance of vitamins and minerals in daily life. He worked for years before coming with his multivitamin. Later on, Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos, who were the founders of Amway, started selling the products of Nutrilite in 1949. The first initial wholesale of vitamins started much later in California and was later distributed in 1949. In recent times, in 1994, Amway took over the whole Nutrilite and currently sells all products that were under the company.