Radar is a device that helps us know the presence of objects from a distance. It is not possible to describe the name of a particular scientist or inventor who invented radar. But, over the time, many scientists have worked on it to provide us with modern-day radar and there will be no surprise if we get some more advancement in future. During 1930s and 1940s, many scientists worked on it to improve its functioning.
Christian Hulsmeyer was the German engineer who began working on it. In 1904, he started working on equipment that could detect the presence of distant objects in moving state. P.K. Oschepkov, Frenchman Emile Girardeau and Robert Watson are some more names who contributed to enhance the functioning of radar.
Different types of radar such as monopulse radar, Bi-stastic radar and wave radar are used in different kinds of detections. Some are used by meteoro-logical and biological departments.