Once, there was a monkey named, Gogi who lived with his family. His exams in school had finished and he decided to go to his granny’s house in another forest. He proceeded to his granny’s house. While walking he saw a coconut tree and decided to have fun on it. He climbed on the coconut tree to have fun. But soon the breeze began to blow a little stronger and the tree swayed. The coconuts started falling to the ground. Gogi held onto a coconut so that he might not fall.
But there was a sudden gush of wind and he fell down with a loud thud. More coconuts fell and hit Gogi on the head. Gogi thought it might be fun to hold the trunk and sway along with it. So that’s what he did. “Oh”, he said and started having fun holding the trunk. Then again, he fell down for the second time but this time Gogi fell into a cave and rested there till the storm was over.