The Tortoise and the Pearl

The Tortoise and the Pearl

Once, a peacock was dancing in the rain spreading his beautiful wings. A tortoise was passing through that way and saw the beautiful peacock and couldn’t stop himself to praise the wings. The tortoise praised the peacock’s wing. Since then, they became fast friends. One day, a bird catcher trapped the peacock. The bird begged him to let him say goodbye to his friend, the tortoise. The tortoise told the bird catcher to let the peacock go. He would give him a gift.

The man agreed and the tortoise dived into the stream and emerged with a pearl. The man was satisfied with the gift and set the peacock free. Very soon, his greed got the better of him and he returned to the stream. He demanded that the tortoise should bring him another pearl or else he would capture the peacock. Angry with the man’s greedy ways, the tortoise told the man to give him back the pearl so that he could find its identical twin in the stream. But of course, he didn’t! He swam away and left the foolish man empty-handed.

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