The Naughty Mice and their Food

The Naughty Mice and their Food

Once, there were three mice who lived in a hole on the ground floor of a house. They were idle and didn’t want to work hard. They always stole their food from the owners’ house, Mr. and Mrs. Chandra. Mr. and Mrs. Chandra kept the jars full of jellybeans and sourballs on the kitchen counter. They didn’t realize that the three mice stole the sweets each night after they had gone to bed. One night, when Mr. Chandra went to the kitchen to take a sourball, he was astonished to see the three mice were eating the sweets. He picked up the mice by their tails and threw them out of the window.

But the mice soon came back into the house. Mrs. Chandra put some cheese shreds on a saucer next to the jars. But the mice didn’t touch the cheese and only nibbled on the sourballs. Now Mrs. Chandra put some sweets along with the cheese. Next morning, they were relieved to see that the mice had not touched the jars of sweets but had only nibbled away on the food kept for them. Since then, Mrs. Chandra left food for the mice every day.

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