The Conceited Hare

The Conceited Hare

One day, a hare was coming from the market with some grocery. He met a tortoise who was going to his house. Seeing the tortoise the hare started laughing at him and said mockingly, “How slow you move! See me; there is no comparison between you and me.” Then the tortoise said, “Let’s have a race. I move slowly but I can beat you in a race.” The hare laughed and thought, ‘I’ll beat him in a few seconds.’ He agreed to run with the tortoise.

The next day, the race began. As the hare advanced much ahead of the tortoise, he thought, ‘I can take a nap here and run again when the tortoise reaches my mark. Anyway, I will win this race.’ When the tortoise passed by, he saw the hare sleeping. He smiled and continued on his way, slowly and steadily. The hare woke up later only to find that the tortoise had reached the finishing point and won the race. He repented for his boastful habit.

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