Do You Know How Google Came in Existence?

Google is now the widely popular Internet search engine but how it started is not known by all.

Google was actually started by Sergey Brin and Larry Page who met each other as students in science program at Stanford. It was earlier just started as a research project in 1996 with the name of ‘Back Rub’ but later in 1997, they gave it the name ‘Google Inc’.

Later, Andy Bechtolshiem, Sun co-founder, financed the Google with a cheque of $100,000. Then Google set up its first office in friend Susan Wojcickic garage located at Santa Margarita Menlo Park. They hired then their first employee Craig Silverstein who was a science graduate student of Stanford University.

The domain was registered on 15 September, 1997. Goggle then never looked back.

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