Why do Flowers have Colours?

Flowers are liked by all because of their beautiful eye-catching colours. Such colours in flowers are the result of reflected light from the pigments, called anthocvanins in the plant, which are based upon in the hereditary genome of the plant. Apart from such pigments, there are also other reasons which give  flowers different colours. Such factors are ultraviolet light, pollination, environment, weather, etc.

It is generally thought that flowers are only for catching attraction of us but in reality, they serve as attention getters for pollinators too. They offer them nectar, protein, etc. The brighter the colour of a flower is, the more it will attract pollinators. After the passing of a certain age of pollination, the colour of a flower sometimes sends signals to pollinators that it is now not capable of offering them favourable situations to pollinate. In warmer regions, flowers are of faded colours because of water deprivation, so geographical condition also affects them.

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