Why do Human Bodies have Nails in their Hands and Feet?

There are hundreds of theories why we have nails in our hands and feet. Some of them are based on the protection aspect from various other things; others are more creative because they are based on the facts of the evolution of human bodies. Among the twenty nails, finger nails are more useful in the daily task and, hence, people prefer them to put in their hands. Women have long nails because they get one more portion to make art on them, now known as nail art. Basically, humans possess nails because it is a part of a body. As hair and other things grow with age, nails do. Hormones are the main reason as like the case with hair and skin. Calcium is the main thing that is possessed by nails which also makes them strong. Fingernails help scratch a lot of things and toenails are useful because they protect toes from any tap.

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