Why do We Snore while Sleeping?

Snoring is really very commonly among people while they sleep. Such things happens because at sleeping time our body, mind and sometime our mouth and throat muscle relax too. By such air passage goes to be narrowed and then it leads the snoring. Snoring also happens when the person is suffering from cold because that time too air passage gets so narrow.

Snoring is also possible if there is excessive bulkiness of throat issue. If nasal airways are obstructed, muscle tones in tongue and throat are poor, etc. If snoring exceeds its normal limit, it can lead the person to serious health problems like daytime fatigue, poor sleep, irritability, stress, etc which can later give birth to other serious diseases too. In case of severe snoring, the person can face complete blockage and, later, can get choked and gasp for breath for more than 10 seconds in many cases.

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