A Camel for a Farthing

Once upon a time in Persia, there lived a merchant who suffered huge business losses and became extremely poor. One day, on their way to the market, the merchant and his son saw a man selling the camel. The merchant’s son went up to the camel dealer and asked the price of the camel. The dealer told him that the price of the camel was a farthing (a monetary unit in olden times). The son went and told his father who said that the price of the camel was too high. Time passed and the merchant again became successful. He was now very rich. Travelling again with his son, he came to a village where an egg was on sale for a farthing. The merchant’s son went to his father and told him the price. This time, the merchant said that it was very cheap. The changed opinion of the merchant was not due to his knowledge of price but because of his changed circumstances.

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