Vibheeshana was a virtuous man even though he was Ravana’s brother. Since childhood, he was interested in religious rituals. At the same time, Ravana despised humans and monkeys. Puffed up with immense physical strength and arrogance, Ravana did not like what Vibheeshana said.
Vibheeshana, however, was firm in his view that Ravana should return Seeta and seek Rama’s forgiveness. This infuriated Ravana so much that he spoke very harshly to Vibheeshana telling him that he was a traitor. Ravana banished him from Lanka. Vibheeshana had recognised Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. So, he left Lanka for good. He decided to submit himself to Rama’s service.

Thereafter, with his two messengers he flew over the ocean to meet Rama.
When Vibheeshana arrived with his messengers, the monkey-army thought that some of Ravana’s messengers or spies had entered its camp. So, they captured and took them to Rama.