Once, there was a proud Prince. He wanted to be the strongest in the world, so he waged wars on his neighbouring countries. Soon, the Prince’s cruelty and wickedness became known all over the world.
The proud Prince got his own marble statue built and had it placed in his capital; he announced, “All people must bow before my statue.”
Though people were forced to bow, the priests refused to do so. They said, “You may be the strongest man on the earth but you are not God. He is the Supreme Power, so we will bow only before Him.”
The proud Prince decided to defeat God. He said to all his men, “Build an enormous ship which can sail through the sky. Also, make thousands of openings for thousands of guns.”
The Prince sat in the middle of the ship and controlled the guns with one string. On pulling the string, the guns would all shoot together and would load with bullets again. Thousands of eagles were tied to the ship to make it fly.
Soon, the ship rose towards the sky. God sent a group of angels to teach the proud Prince a bitter lesson. As the angels approached the ship, the Prince fired bullets at them, but the bullets did not harm the angels. Only one angel was hurt and a small drop of blood fell from his wings. The blood drop fell on the ship and made a huge hole in the mast of the ship. The ship became so heavy that it crashed back on the earth.
The Prince managed to escape and started plotting another attack. His men constructed another ship of hard steel. It had many sails to help it float in the air. With the strongest of soldiers, the Prince boarded his ship.
As the ship rose even higher than before, God sent a swarm of tiny gnats to teach the proud Prince a bitter lesson. When the tiny gnats stung the Prince, he ordered, “Cover me with metal coverings!” While his men were covering him with metal, a gnat managed to get inside the covering and stung him.
The pain was so terrible that the Prince took off his clothes, threw his arms in the air and ran around. The soldiers laughed at him. They said, “The proud Prince who wished to conquer God has lost to a tiny gnat.”
The proud Prince finally gave up his arrogance.