The Vazir Punished

The King loved his son dearly and, when the son wished to go hunting, the King sent his Vazir with him to watch over him. Once, the Prince galloped through the forest, leaving the Vazir and the attendants behind. The Prince suddenly found himself alone and there was no sign of the Vazir! He saw a beautiful lady who looked like a princess, sitting by a path, looking miserable. She said, she had fallen off her horse and it had bolted. The Prince put her on his horse and took her to her home. To his surprise, she stopped at a ruined palace. As he waited, he heard her speak, saying, “Children! I have brought a fat young man for you to eat!” Horrified, he realised the danger, for she was really an ogress! He leapt onto his horse and raced all the way back home. For having lost the Prince, the poor Vazir was punished!

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