Chandu, a rich landowner and a friend of Tenali Raman, was dying in the village of Ummatur. Before dying, he called his three sons and told them to dig under his bed after he had passed away.

The three sons did as their father had told them and dutifully dug under the bed. They looked surprised at the things they found. There were three pots one below the other. The first contained mud, the second was full of dry cow dung and the third had straw in it. Under the three pots was a bag of ten gold coins, called varahas. The three boys looked at it, and wondered what all this was about. They thought and thought, but could find no solution.
“Let’s ask Raman Uncle,” one of the brothers suggested, “He is wise. I’m sure he’ll guide us correctly.”
“That’s right! Let’s go to him immediately,” the others agreed.

So, they went to Tenali Raman’s house and placed their problem before him. “What do you think this is all about, Uncle? Did our father tell you anything ?” they asked.
“No, he didn’t,” replied Tenali Raman, “I had known your father for years. He was very fond of riddles, I know. I am sure this is a riddle too. Give me a moment to think.”
The boys sat around waiting. Then suddenly, Tenali Raman called out, “I’ve got it, boys!”
“What is it? What is it?” they asked, impatient to know the answer.
“Look, the pots are arranged one below another and there are three of them. So, they stand for the three of you, the topmost one being the eldest. He gets the pot with mud, so the property consisting of the fields has been left to him. The second with cow-dung refers to the cattle your father left to the second son. And the third contains straw. Now straw is golden in colour, so it means that he left his gold to the youngest boy.”
“Wonderful! You’ve solved the riddle!” said the two younger brothers.
“But Uncle,” the eldest said, still puzzled, “What about the ten gold coins? For whom are they kept?”
“Oh, that! That’s my fee, my boys! Your father never took anything for free, not even my advice!”
The boys burst out laughing and gave the coins to Tenali Raman before they left for their home.