There lived a snake in the jungle. It used to feed on bird’s eggs, rats, frogs, young ones of rabbits and other such small creatures. It was a lazy animal and that made him a fat thick snake. As it grew fatter and powerful, more boastful it became.
One day it thought, ‘Maybe, I am now the most powerful and the mightiest animal of the jungle. I am the king. I must live at some grand place befitting my size and royal status.’
He selected a big tree as his new royal abode.
But all around the tree, there were colonies of anthills. Loose grainy soil was all over the place.
The snake made a bad face and uttered, “I don’t like this dirt.”

He went to the biggest ant-hill and hissed, “I am Lord Snake, the king of jungle. l order you to clean out from here.”
The other small creatures trembled. But the ants would not care. They ignored him.
It angered the snake and he whipped the ant-hill with its tail.
The ant-hill got badly shaken up. And thousands of angry ants poured out and enveloped the snake body.
They began to bite the snake. Thousands of painful pricks made the snake cry. The ants were eating him in millions of bits.

The snake whipped, twisted and flip-flopped to get rid of the murderous ants.
But it was of no use. Ants stuck fast and continued to feast on the snake flesh.
Some time later, all that was left of the mighty snake was just a skull and a chain of bones.
Moral : The Union is strength.