Katie awoke on her seventh birthday to find her gifts piled on the bed. She heard a rustle and on moving the packets she found a darling little kitten with a pink ribbon tied around her neck! ‘What a lovely birthday gift!’ she thought, cuddling the kitten.
Mummy and Daddy came in to wish her a very happy birthday. “Now you can find a name for your new kitten,” added Mummy. Katie thanked her and began to get dressed. The kitten curled up on her bed.
Katie spent the whole day trying to think of a name for the kitten but simply couldn’t find a suitable one. Finally, it was time to go to bed. Mummy was very firm, and said, “He won’t sleep on your bed, Katie. I’m going to put him in the hall.”
Katie felt very sad to be parted from her kitten, but she went off to bed. She could hear the kitten mewing all night and nobody could sleep much.
In the morning, Mummy decided that the kitten would sleep in this basket with a cushion in the living room that night. She awoke in the morning to hear Mummy yelling.
Katie ran to the living room and found the kitten hiding under the sofa. Its cushion was in tatters, the sofa was ripped, cotton flew around, a table had fallen over and a vase shattered! Mummy was furious!
“From now on this fellow will sleep in the kitchen!” announced Mummy.
“He won’t be any trouble if he sleeps in my room, Mummy,” pleaded Katie. But Mummy was too angry to hear her.
That night, the kitten was put into the kitchen in his basket. The next morning, Katie went to see him and was horrified at the state of the kitchen. Mummy was crying sitting at the kitchen table with broken crockery and spilt food all around and Daddy stood there looking like thunder holding the torn bits of the newspaper!
“He’s nothing but trouble,” said Daddy, “He’ll have to go!” “Please Daddy,” said Katie, “He’s lonely! Let him be in my room and he’ll be good!”
So for one day, Daddy allowed the kitten to sleep in Katie’s room. He was truly good and slept curled up along with Katie.
In the morning, Mummy and Daddy found them snuggled together in the bed and there was no chaos in the room. Katie had found a new name for him. He was called—Trouble!