Once upon a time, there was a magician. He was a very cheerful person as he always used his magic to make everyone happy. Children loved him very much. He was always invited to the parties because he always had new magic tricks to perform. But he was allergic to many kinds of food. So, he had to be careful when he went to any party. In the beginning, people were considerate about his allergy and took special care to prepare food for him. But as time passed, people got tired of preparing special food for him. They began overlooking his dietary requirements. One day, the magician was invited to a birthday party. Everybody enjoyed his magic tricks and all other performances. After the performance, people asked him for lunch. Then, the magician ate one bite from the plate. Within a few seconds, his tongue turned black and his face was red. His whole body began to itch.

The magician got very angry and decided not to go to any party. He, then, waved his wand and cast a spell that gave each person a different allergy. Some people became allergic to animals, others to meat, and some to cold water and so on. Now, everybody had to take special care of himself. In the beginning, it was very difficult for them. Whenever people met for a party, they ended up going to a doctor. Gradually, they started to learn about allergies and prepared the food carefully.
Finally, people understood the pain of the magician. They realised their mistake and went to meet him. They were sorry for what they did to him. The magician took his curse back and everybody became normal. After that day, people took care of the magician.