It was, no doubt, a loud noise that made the dog wake up. He pricked up his ears straight and pointed sharply towards the sound and again went to sleep.
The owner’s another pet, the donkey, noticed it and said in an amazed tone, “Why don’t you bark? I am sure there are thieves.”
“You had better mind your own business,” said the dog. But the donkey, in order to prove his faithfulness, began to bray loudly. This, of course, frightened off the thieves, but also awakened the master, who came running. He was so furious at being woken up that he beat the donkey thoroughly with his stick. After the master had gone, the dog asked the donkey, “How do you feel for not paying heed to a good friendly advice? When a master is like that, one must think, at best, of oneself only, first and foremost.”
Moral : Do your assigned work only.