Kansa, the Demon-King

Kansa was an evil demon-king of city Mathura. Though Kansa was very cruel yet he loved his sister Devaki a lot. Devaki was married to Vasudeva, the eldest son of Shoorsen. Kansa loved her so dearly that he himself drove the wedding chariot of the couple. Just then, he heard a prophecy from the sky, “Foolish Kansa, do you know whose chariot you are driving? The eighth son born to Vasudeva and Devaki shall kill you.”

Demon Kansa was furious. He stopped the chariot at once and took out his sword from the sheath. He charged ahead to kill Devaki but Vasudeva rushed to save her. “Do not kill my wife, O Kansa,” he said, “If you spare the life of my wife, I will give you all our children.” Kansa withdrew upon hearing this. He put Devaki and Vasudeva in prison on the condition that they would give him all their children.

Narada was a divine sage who loved to create trouble. One day, Narada visited Kansa and said, “O Kansa, you have extended a warm welcome to me. In return, I shall help you. Beware of the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudeva. He is the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu and He shall kill you.” Kansa roared with laughter and said, “Such is my power that I can kill a god if I wish to. I have already put Devaki and Vasudeva in prison. I will kill any child born to them.”

Cruel Kansa killed six of the couple’s children. Devaki and Vasudeva could do nothing but lament on their loss. When the seventh child was about to be born, Devaki was deeply upset. but Lord Vishnu devised a trick. Vasudeva’s second wife, Rohini, lived in Gokul. The seventh son was sent to her womb by Lord Vishnu. Thus, he was saved from the evil Kansa. The seventh son was named Sankarshana following his birth.

Though their seventh son was safe yet Devaki and Vasudeva became worried about their eighth child. They prayed to Lord Vishnu who suddenly appeared in the prison-cell. His radiant form lit up the cell. “Do not fear anything. I will soon be born as your eighth child to rescue you from evil Kansa,” Lord Vishnu observed. He then told them how He would do so.

Lord Vishnu said, “Your friend Nanda is the Chief of the cowherds at Gokul. His wife Yashoda is about to give birth to a baby-girl named Yogamaya. You must take me to Gokul and leave me there with Yashoda. Take Yogamaya back with you to the prison-cell.”

“O Lord Vishnu, we cannot leave the prison-cell. How will I escape with You to Gokul? The guards are at the prison door,” said Vasudeva. “Do not fear, O Vasudeva. When the time comes for you to go to Gokul, nothing shall stand in your way.” Hope filled the hearts of Devaki and Vasudeva upon hearing these words.

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