The Invisible Leg (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l An old nylon stocking
l Plastic sandwich bag


  1. With one hand, hold the toe of a nylon stocking (the shiny kind works best) on the edge of a table. Slip your other hand into the plastic sandwich bag and grip the stocking, starting at the toe and pulling along entire length, up to the thigh. Repeat this process several times, stroking the nylon in the same direction.
  2. Holding the top edge of the stocking, lift it from the table. Let go with the bagged hand. Suddenly the stocking will appear as if there were a leg in it.

This Is What Happens:
When you stroked the nylon with the plastic bag, these two materials acquired opposite electrical charges. Because the stocking material became all the same charge and because like charges repel each other, the sides of the stocking pushed away from each other, taking on the shape of a real leg.

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