Gaze Into My Eyes (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l 10 sheets of typing paper
l Rubber band
l This book
l Mirror


  1. Roll the 10 sheets of typing paper into a hollow tube. Slip a rubber band over the roll to hold it in place.
  2. Hold the tube against some words on this page and look into the cylinder. Your face should be pressed against the tube so that no light enters. At first, you will not be able to see much. However, your eye will soon adjust to the dark and allow you to read the words.
  3. Lift your head and immediately look at your eye in the mirror. Do you see any changes?

This Is What Happens:
The part of your eye into which light enters is called the pupil—the dark spot in the center of your eye. The pupil gets bigger in the dark because it must allow more light in to help you see better. When the light is too bright, the pupil tries to shut some of it out by becoming smaller.

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