3 R’s

You will need:

  1. Recyclable items (like
    plastic and glass bottles,
    newspaper, aluminium
    cans, ice-cream sticks, old tyres, old CD’s, etc.)
  2. Craft items (glue, tape,
    markers and paint)
  3. Pen and notebook

With increase in population, our garbage and waste has also increased multifold. Adopt the 3 R’s at home, in your neighbourhood and at school to make a difference.


  1. Get your friends together and create awareness about the 3 most important principles to reduce garbage and waste–Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  2. Understand which objects can be reduced, for example, plastic bags. Make it a norm to stop all local vendors from distributing plastic bags. Instead, start an initiative whereby they can use cloth or paper bags.
  3. By reusing the already existing plastic bags and even plastic and glass bottles in your own home, you will help to reduce garbage.
  4. Recycle waste objects like paper and aluminium cans or even plastic containers.
  5. Get creative and find new purposes for waste products. You could convert glass bottles into lamp shades or tin cans and old tyres into planters, or even bottle caps into wind chimes; find innovative ways of reducing waste in your locality.


Start small; your own home or building could benefit from your awareness. Requesting your neighbours to bifurcate their dry/recyclable garbage from their wet garbage (vegetable peels, egg shells, etc.) will help you create a greener locality. Let’s not forget that while our wants are never-ending, planet earth has only so much space which, too, is running out fast. Reduce, Reuse

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