Baby Bean in Bean (Biology Experiments)

In this experiment you will dissect a bean, identify the parts and learn the function of each part.
Things Required:
10 to 12 pinto beans
Paper towelling

Inspect a dry bean and find these parts: micropyle, hilum and seed coat. Place the beans in the jar and cover with water. Allow the jar to sit in the refrigerator overnight. Remove the beans from the jar and place on a paper towel to absorb the excess water. Carefully remove the coat from one of the beans. On the rounded side, pry the bean open with your fingernail. Be very gentle as you open the bean.
This Is What Happens:
What appears to be a baby bean is found inside the bean. If you do not find the baby plant or it was broken in the process of opening the bean, try again with another bean.
Science Behind It:
The function of each bean part:

  1. seed coat-protective covering
  2. bean-food for the growing baby plant
  3. micropyle-small opening through which pollen grains enter
  4. hilum-where the bean was attached to the pod wall
  5. epicotyl-forms the leaves
  6. hypocotyl-forms the stem
  7. radicle-forms the roots

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