Does the light from fireflies give off heat? We will find out in this easy experiment.
Things Required:
2 glass jars with lids
2 thermometers (must fit inside the jars)
On a night when fireflies are plentiful, catch as many as you can and place them in a jar. It is easiest to catch them with your hands after they have landed on a surface.
Put a thermometer into the jar with the fireflies and another thermometer in the empty jar. Record the temperature of each jar after 30 minutes. Does the temperature differ in the jars?
This Is What Happens:
Depending on the number of fireflies in the jar, the temperature may be slightly higher in the jar with the insects.
Science Behind It:
The luminescence or cold light, produced by the fireflies, gives off no heat. Any possible rise in temperature in the jar is just due to body heat given off by the insects. Light produced by living organisms is called bioluminescence. The light is caused by the chemical luciferin. When this chemical combines with oxygen, it gives off light. The colour intensity and length of time between flashes depends on the species.