Gravity Defying Water (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. A clear glass
  2. Water
  3. Square piece of card
    paper or cardboard

Conduct this simple experiment to defy the laws of gravity by applying some simple laws of physics.


  1. Firstly, this experiment can get
    messy fast. So, conduct it over the
    kitchen sink or outdoors.
  2. Fill a glass with water almost all the
    way to the top.
  3. Take your card paper or piece of cardboard and hold it over the glass.
  4. The card paper must cover the entire circumference of the glass.
  5. Hold the glass in one hand and place a finger over the card paper so as to hold it in place over the rim of the glass.
  6. Quickly, turn over the glass and slowly remove your hand from the card paper.


The water stays within the glass, and neither the card nor the water travels downwards, thereby defying gravity. This happens because of many factors which come into play. Firstly, the atmospheric pressure pushes the card (now at the bottom) upwards towards the glass, while the low pressure created inside the glass doesn’t allow the water from spilling. At the same time, the water molecules are attracted to the card paper, making it stay in place.

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