Missing Reflection (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Aluminium foil roll
  2. Flat clear glass
  3. Scissors

Conduct this basic experiment to understand
the principles of light and how it interacts
with smooth surfaces to create reflections.


  1. Cut a 12-inch piece of aluminium from the foil
    roll carefully so as not to wrinkle it.
  2. Take the flat piece of aluminium and lie it out with the reflective surface facing you.
  3. Place the flat piece of glass over it to flatten it completely.
  4. You should be able to see your reflection even if it is slightly blurred.
  5. Now take the piece of foil and crumple it.
  6. Spread out the piece, place the piece of glass over it again and look at the reflective side again.


You will not be able to see your reflection, not even a distorted reflection any more. This happens because light reflects off any place in straight lines. If the surface is reflective, like a mirror or aluminium foil, the light rays reflect from it, back in straight lines. When surface is broken or distorted, the light rays that reflect back bounce off in all directions. As a result, the image we could see before is lost.

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