You will need:
- A sharp knife
- Potatoes
- A set square
No matter how beautiful a building looks, an archway always adds some beauty to the construction. Find out how to construct an archway with the help
of potatoes!
- Start out by making a simple arch. Ask an adult to help you chop a potato into 2-inch small cubes.
- Next, the trick of making these pieces
all stand in an arch (without any
adhesive), is to make the top larger
than the bottom. - And while one side of your cube is tapered in one direction, all the other sides must be at right angles; otherwise, the arch will not be sturdy.
- Use a set square to help with the right angles.
- Once you have 5-7 pieces ready (make extra in case you get the angle wrong), try constructing your arch made up of 5 pieces.
The arch is made up of blocks which stay up because they are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. The central topmost block stays in place and does not fall because, in order to fall on account of gravity, it pushes outward and downward. But as long as the other blocks stay in place (since they too are narrow at the bottom), the arch stays upright.