Sticky Static Water (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. A clean comb
  2. Thin trickle of water from a tap
  3. Your head with clean
    dry hair

Understand the concept of static electricity by
simply bending water away from your comb.


  1. Turn on the water tap and open it till there is only a thin stream of water flowing–not droplets, but a
    continuous thin stream.
  2. Take your comb and comb it through clean dry hair like you would normally, for at least 10-15 times.
  3. Take the comb slowly towards the water stream, without touching it to the water.


When the comb is brushed on hair, it creates a negative charge which when held close to the positively charged water, attracts the stream
of water and moves it towards itself! You could try this experiment with an inflated balloon as well, to see a greater bend in the water.

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