Rising Water Trick (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Water
  2. Food colour
  3. Dish or plate
  4. Matchsticks
  5. Candle
  6. Transparent glass

Can you think of any way to raise water from a dish into an overturned glass? No? But it’s actually quite simple. Follow this experiment.


  1. Take a dish or plate and pour water into it. Add a few drops of food colour so that you may see the water better when it rises into the glass.
  2. Next, take a candle and carefully place it upright into the water.
  3. Burn a matchstick and light the candle you have secured in the plate with the matchstick.
  4. Quickly, invert an transparent glass over the burning candle.


The water in the plate will begin to rise up into the glass and stay there even after the candle is extinguished. This is because the hot air created by the candle flame expands in the glass trying to push against the water. But when the candle goes out, the air cools and a vacuum is created which sucks the water into the glass.

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