The Pinocchio Arm (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. 2-3 volunteers
  2. Pen and paper (to record your findings)
  3. Portable weighing scale (optional for accuracy)

We all have heard of Pinocchio’s nose. But do you know that you could tell if someone is lying or not just by exerting a little pressure on his arm?


  1. Ask your friends to tell you three
    things that are true about themselves
    (for example, their names, their birth
    dates and their favourite movies).
  2. Write the details down.
  3. Next, ask them to tell you three things which are lies. Write these down as well.
  4. Ask your friend to stand straight and stretch his right arm out in front of him, with the palm facing down.
  5. With you standing opposite him, outstretch your own hand (left arm) and place it on your friend’s arm in such a way that your palm is touching his wrist.
  6. Let him know that you will apply a little pressure on his hands and that he is in no way to let his hand fall down.
  7. He must keep it outstretched throughout the experiment.
  8. Ask him his name, birth date and favourite movie. All the while, exert a small amount of pressure on his arm.
  9. Note how much resistance you are facing this time.


Try the experiment with different volunteers. You will notice that the resistance your friends put up when they are speaking the truth is greater than when they lie.

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