You will need:
- Jell-O
- Small ziplock (sandwich- size) plastic bags
- Candies (in different shapes and sizes)
- 1 can of tinned mixed fruit
- Pen and paper
- Water
To understand how neurons work, we must
first understand what they look like.
- Ask an adult to help you make 1 box of Jell-O with water according to the instructions given on the box.
- Once the Jell-O has cooled down to a warm temperature, pour it into small plastic bags.
- Look at the image of the neuron which is given and try creating small neuron models in different plastic bags based on the diagram.
- Add the candies and various fruit pieces from the tinned can.
- Put in a variety of fruits to represent different organelles that are found inside a neuron.
- Long candies can be made into microtubules and neurofilaments, while fruits like orange slices can be mitochondria, and grapes or cherries could be the nucleus.
- On a sheet of paper write down what each item represents, including the cell membrane made up by the plastic bag.
- Place your neurons in the refrigerator to cool.
Once your Jell-O neurons are
set, enjoy comparing them and
eating up those nerve cells. Constructing
a live model of something microscopic, which actually exists inside our bodies, helps us to get a better perspective of the human body.