Home-Made Lip Balms (Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. 2 portions of coconut oil with 1 portion of beeswax
  2. ½ portion of honey
  3. ¼ portion of baking soda
  4. Small containers to keep the lip balm
  5. Edible food colour
  6. Microwave safe bowl
  7. Wax paper
  8. Essential oils like rose oil or lavender or tea tree oil (optional)
  9. Microwave oven

Girls of all ages love make-up. So, why not create your own lip balm made of entirely natural products?


  1. Mix the coconut oil and beeswax in a microwave safe bowl. Cover it with wax paper. Place it in the microwave oven for 3 minutes. But check on the mixture every 30 seconds so that it may not overheat.
  2. In case you want a softer lip balm, add a lesser amount of beeswax.
  3. After it has melted, mix in baking soda, honey, food colour and any essential oil if you want.
  4. Properly mix everything and pour into small containers which can be used for storing the lip balm.
  5. Either refrigerate or store in a cool dry place to set.
  6. You can play around with the consistency and flavours by adding different essential oils.


Your very own all-natural lip balm is ready within hours. You can share it with your friends. This handmade balm would look professional but without any harmful chemicals or preservatives.

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