A Bear Caught Pink Fish

A Bear Caught Pink Fish

Once, a bear named Monti, lived with his mother and father bear. Monti was a lazy bear who didn’t work but only ate the fish brought by his father. One day his mother chided him of being so lazy. Monti felt very ashamed and ran down to the river. He was going to fish all by himself. As Monti waddled through the water, he saw different coloured fishes leaping about. Seeing a green fish, he dived forward, but the fish had already jumped back into the water. He tried for long but couldn’t catch any fish. Just when all his hopes were dashed, he saw a big pink fish taking a great leap.

Monti ran and grabbed the fish before it could slip into the water. The fish wriggled in his mouth and was about to escape. Monti caught it with his paw and held on tightly. “I have succeeded,” he exclaimed. He ran home to tell his mother. “Monti, you have grown up. You caught your first fish!” his mother congratulated him. She cooked the fish in Monti’s favourite way.

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