A Chronicle of successes

1976 ‘Steel International’ set up. Steel rolling mill with 65,000 tonnes per year capacity started in Indonesia.
1989 First acquisition of sick steel in Trinidad.
1992 Acquisition of Silbasa Steel Plant of Mexico.
1994 Acquisition of Sidbech Dosco, Canada.
1995 Setting up of Steel Hamburger (Germany) Steel International Shipping. Acquistion of Steel Cormet in Kazakhstan.
1996 Coal mine and power plant acquisition in Kazakhistan.
1997 IPO of Steel International listed in New York and Amsterdam Stock Exchanges.
1998 Acquistion of Inland Steel of Chicago, USA.
1999 French Steel Unimetal purchased.
2001 1. Acquisition of Sidex of Romania.
2. Acquisition of Annabas in Algeria.
3. Iscor acquired in South Africa.
2002 Acquired equity shares in Iscor (S.Africa)
2003 Czeck Republic company Navahat Steel Plant acquired.
2004 Cold Rolling Plant set up in view of the expected demand of steel in Chinese infrastructural development.
2004 Acquisition of B.H. Steel of Bosnia and Polish ‘Poliski Steel’. Acquired control over Iscore Steel of S. Africa.
2005 ‘Mittal Steel’ is set up and its proposal for acquisiton of Steel International. Gained control of Hunan Waleen of China.
MoU signed for Greenfield project in Jharkhand (India).
Acquired steel plant in Ukrain.
Mittal steel—form and organisation
Chairman and CEO—L.N. Mittal
President and Cheif Financial Executive—Aditya Mittal other members of the Board, Narayan Vagul, Wilbur L. Ross, Rene Lopez, Nuni Krishna T. Reddy, Anders Rogental, Lavis B. Cauden and Vanisha Mittal Bhatia.
Narayan Vagul : Has been active is finance sector for the past five decades. Served as chairman of Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India for 16 years and ICICI bank for 2 years. Before that he served as chairman of Bank of India and as executive director of the Central Bank of India. Vagul has been an advisor to International Finance Corporation and Asian Development Bank. He was chosen as Businessman of the Year 1992 by commerce magazine ‘Business India’. Has taught as the visiting professor at Stern Business School of N.Y. University. He also is the chairman of Indian Institute of Finance Management and Research. He has served on the directoral boards of renowed companies like Mahindra and Mahindra, Vipra Limited, Nicholson Piramal India Limited and Apollo Hospitals.
Willbur L. Ross : He has been chairman of the ISG (International Steel Group) from its very inception. After the merger of ISG into Mittal Steel he has been on the directors board served as chairman, CEO or the director of many a world brand name company. Promiment amongst them are : Ohizumi Manufacturing Company of Japan, Tony Yung Life Insurance Company of Korea, News Communications of USA, WL. Ross Merchant Banking Co, NNC, C.N. Corporation of USA. Burrilungton Industries, Insuratex Ltd. Bermuda, Nicco Electric Co. of Japan, Turn Around Management Association, 360 Networks Corporation etc. He has also served as the chairman of Smithsonian Institute of the Natinal Borad.
Rene Lopez : Rene has been in business connected works of international production and distribution. He has been giving his service to several multinational companies and conglomerates. He is honorary chairman of Geretal Canada. He is also recognised global expert in the matters of acquisitions, take overs and mergers related management of transfer of finance and technology.
Moni Krishna T. Reddy : Reddy has been active for the past 38 years in the field of finance. He is connected to several reputed companies like S.B.M. Ned Bank International Ltd. as secretary of the board of directors, Air Mauritius, British American Holdings Ltd., British American Insurance Co. Lid., Overseas Telecommunication Ltd. of Mauritius, Bahamas British-American (UK) Ltd. Inter Commercial Trust and Merchant Bank Ltd, Commercial Bank Ltd. Trinidad, Global Finacial Services Group, Indica Growth and New York, Malta and South East Asia Region Fund Ltd. He serves the last named company as a member of it directoral board. Reddy had been CEO of SBM group for 16 years and now serves it is secretary. He has served in India and Singapore. He has been honoured by Mauritius government for his services in the banking sector.
Anders Rogental : Anders is Mexican official and diplomat. He has served as representative of Mexico in several countries and UNO. Many a honour has come to him like ‘Grand Cross of the Polar’ of Sweden, ‘Grand Cross of the Civil Merit Order’ of Spain etc. He is official in the ‘National Committee of Merit.’ Anders had been on the boards of directors of several global firms. He is chairman and president of his own consulting firm ‘Rogental and Associates.’
Levis B Cauden : Levis has been advisor on the matters of corporate administration, labour and employment laws and rules and financial policies for the past four decades. He is connected to many multinational companies. Levis has taught at Columbia University. A student of Harvard College and Harvard Law School he had been.
Vanisha Mittal Bhatia : Vanisha has done graduation from European Business School in business administration and post-graduation in South Asian Studies. She got on the directors board of Mittal Steel after her education. She had studied political science in school of Oriental and African Studies. She is very interested in social welfare and is working on a project concerning better living standards in rural areas of India. Her professional stints include working at a TV station, internship in Mittal Shipping and Steel Hamburg Stahalverke and Internet based Venture fund. Vanisha also tries her hand at photography, oilpainting, scuba diving and skiing.

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