A Different Christmas

The little pony, Sam, had arrived in Australia from England. He found everything very strange. They had huge farms but they were called something else. There were lots of animals and fields, but it was not so green. What he began to really enjoy were the long gallops he could have! Gradually, Sam made friends with the dogs and the horses, the cows and the sheep, the hens and the ducks on the farm. He even saw some very peculiar creatures called kangaroos and wallabies and koala bears. And there was a large bird that couldn’t fly but could kick so hard that one could die! Then it was Christmas time. Sam had never seen a Christmas like this. It was hot summer! No snow! Sam’s master brought a Christmas tree and they put fake snow on it with all the baubles and candles! They sang songs and had a feast, but it was a very different Christmas!

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