One day, I saw a wonderful dream. I saw a magnificent place made up of pure gold. There were beautiful fairies moving around to take orders from their queen fairy. The queen fairy was extremely beautiful. She was wearing a pair of gold ear-rings, two bracelets and a gold necklace.
The queen fairy was directing the maids to donate gold coins to all the fairies of the palace, so that they could buy the things of their choice. Today, it was queen fairy’s birthday, so she was trying to keep her maids happy by giving them gold coins.
She also told her cook to make delightful cake, chocolate, pastries and strawberry icecream for each and everyone present in the palace.
All of a sudden, I got up from the bed and tried to search for the fairyland, but no…it was just a mere dream, and I realised this later. However, I wish I too could become a fairy and dwell in that wonderful palace.