A Flower a Day

There were two gardeners, Albert and Thomas. Albert’s mother was very sick and bedridden. He wanted to make her happy. One day, Albert and Thomas were working in the palace garden. Suddenly, Albert saw some lovely flowers blooming around. He decided to take one flower and present it to his mother. He thought that no one had seen him do so. So he started doing the same thing the next day, and the next day as well. But one day, the king noticed how few flowers were left in the garden. He was so angry that he called everyone to assemble in the garden. When they all assembled before the king, Thomas asked Albert not to confess as he would be punished severely. But as the king approached Albert, he confessed that he was the one who was taking away the flowers. He said that he wanted to gift those beautiful flowers to his bedridden mother. A smile appeared on the king’s face, and he forgave Albert for his truthfulness and good intentions.

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