A Freshly Baked Cake


Two rats, Archie and Charlie, lived in the attic of an old house. They troubled the owner of the house so much that he brought a cat to catch them. But Archie and Charlie were too quick and clever for the cat. They were never caught! One day, the owner’s wife baked a cake and left it on the kitchen counter to cool down. The cake’s aroma went up to the attic. When Archie and Charlie smelt the freshly baked cake from the kitchen, their stomachs started rumbling. They raced downstairs but found the cat sleeping there. “What will we do now?” asked Charlie. Archie ran to the dining room and pushed a couple of bowls off the table. The cat woke up from the loud noise. Archie quickly hid. Meanwhile, Charlie grabbed the cake and whistled to Archie to come back. They both went to the basement and enjoyed the cake.

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